The Pakistani actor-model made her debut on the small screen with television drama Rabia Zinda Rahegi. Her journey reached the next level when she was offered a role for Kajraare in B-town opposite Indian singer Himesh Reshammiya.

Although the film failed to get much recognition at the box office, but the sexy sultry starlet became the apple of Bhatts’ eyes. Eventually, film-maker Mukesh Bhatt’s son Vishesh Bhatt offered Sara a lead role in his  directorial debut Murder 3; and Sara moved to Mumbai, getting herself a new identity by naming herself after Italian actress Sophia Loren.

The trailer of the film shows a wildlife photographer Vikram (Randeep), who falls in love with waitress Nisha played by Sara. Vikram woos Nisha, making her fall in love with him. There are glimpses of romantic moments and steamy love scenes between Randeep and Sara, but there is more than what meets the eye.

As the plot unveils, we see a cop warning Nisha to stay away from Vikram. Later on it is revealed that Vikram is the prime suspect in a case regarding the disappearance of his former girlfriend played by Aditi Rao Hydari.

Murder 3, Sara Loren

There is also a fair bit of suspense as strange things begin to happen with the duo. This compels the viewer to think that there is a supernatural element to the film, which is slated for a February 15 release.

According to tellychakkar, Mukesh said, “We believe Sara has the potential to take over from where Mallika Sherawat and Jacqueline Fernandez left off in Murder and Murder 2.”

Mukesh believes Randeep and Sara will burn up the screen with their chemistry, reports tellychakkar. “Their chemistry has to be seen to be believed. I left the choice of the heroine completely to my son Vishesh. Fortunately, he has a mind of his own which he uses judiciously. The first shock he gave me was when I read his script. It was unlike anything our banner, or for that matter, anything tried by Hindi cinema before,” he revealed.

We hope Sara’s upcoming film is a blockbuster instead of a flop like her previous venture.

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